IZI documents
A product of IZI Safety

Streamline your document management.

IZI Documents offers a comprehensive document management and verification workflow automation solution, designed to simplify and centralize your document handling process.


Discover how TotalEnergies has successfully managed compliance for +100,000 documents of its contractors and their workers across more than 50 countries using IZI Documents.

Efficient document collection

Provide access to a user-friendly web platform and mobile application, enabling effortless document uploads for all users. Accept a wide range of document types, from simple pictures to multi-page scans, ensuring flexibility and convenience in data submission.

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Seamless compliance verification

Benefit from expert verification: our dedicated team can meticulously verify uploaded documents against your defined criteria, ensuring stringent compliance standards are met. Alternatively, empower your internal teams with a modern toolset to efficiently verify, validate, or reject documents, granting them autonomy and control over the verification process.

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Centralized document hub

Gain anytime, anywhere access to your complete document library instantly from any device, ensuring flexibility and convenience. Enjoy offline functionality, enabling remote teams to seamlessly access documents even in environments without internet connectivity, ensuring uninterrupted productivity.

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Automated compliance management

Experience streamlined workflows with IZI Documents, as it automatically links documents to IZI Workers, IZI Companies, and IZI Equipments features, guaranteeing compliance across all areas seamlessly. Stay on top of document management with automated notifications, receiving timely alerts about document expiration dates, ensuring proactive actions are taken when needed.

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Benefits of using IZI Documents

Save time: Reduce administrative burdens associated with manual document management.

Ensure compliance: Maintain regulatory compliance with ease.

Enhance efficiency:Streamline your document workflows for a more productive environment.

Improve accessibility: Access your documents anytime, anywhere, from any device.

Ready to revolutionize your document management?

Contact us today to learn more about how IZI Documents can simplify your operations and ensure compliance.

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